Cartoon Guide to Gnostic Myth

Immortal Man

The Gnostic trinity of Father, Mother and Child was made complete with the birth of…

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Sophia Revealed

When he had finished creating the physical universe, Yaldabaoth boasted to the angels beneath him,…

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Adam the Golem

Adam (the first man) was a misbegotten android, spawned when Yaldabaoth tried to duplicate and…

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Adam Awakens

When Adam came to life, the Rulers panicked as they realized that the creature they…

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The Phony Fall

Adam and Eve awoke from the Rulers’ brainwashing and discovered that they had been experiments,…

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The Tower of Bible

The Tower of Bible

Gnostic retellings of Genesis typically wrestle with “problem” passages which seem to anthropomorphize God or…

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Jesus in Hell

A long-standing Christian tradition holds that Jesus spent the three days between the crucifixion and…

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