God Above God : Before the Beginning

In Search of the Alien God

Before there was a God, a heaven or an earth, there was only the Alien God, the infinite and eternal mind who dreams all realities:

“There is a perfect preexistent Aeon, dwelling in the invisible and unnameable elevations… in quiet and in deep solitude for infinite aeons.” ((”The Valentinian System Of Ptolemaeus.” The Other Bible. Ed. Willis Barnstone. Harper San Francisco, 1984.))

Extending forever in every direction, the Alien God is the only being which can perceive itself in its totality – for the Alien God is consciousness itself:

“It looks to every side and sees itself from itself. Since it is infinite, it is ever incomprehensible. It is imperishable and has no likeness (to anything)… While it is not known, it ever knows itself.” ((“The Sophia of Jesus Christ.” The Nag Hammadi Library. Ed. James Robinson. HarperCollins, 1978. 224-225.))

Rev Illuminatus Maximus

Welcome to GnosticShock.com, online home of occult researcher and visionary artist Rev. Illuminatus Maximus.


  1. Glen Cram on April 8, 2013 at 8:43 pm

    Hello Reverend, as a fellow Gnostic you may like my novel in progress The Acts of Simon Magus in the First Century AD. http://simonmagus.com especially this: http://simonmagus.com/readings/passion-sophia in which Simon invents the Gnostic myth as an infomercial. I hope you enjoy it!

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