
Chthonic: From Beast to Godhead

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / June 1, 2010 /

Found : Chthonic: From Beast to Godhead Of course the Roman Catholic Church could never accept this doctrine of Christ's dark, serpentine half. Yet still the human psyche, in time, developed the concept of the Anti-Christ. This was an inevitability as the Unconscious must always oppose one side with it's equal yet opposite half. Jung…

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Jesus fills in for St. Peter

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / July 7, 2006 /

Jesus decided to go say hi to his old buddy St. Peter, so he strolled out to the Pearly Gates and noticed a HUGE long line of people waiting to get in. St. Peter saw Jesus coming and said "Oh, thank goodness someone showed up! Listen, Jesus, there's a huge line of people out here,…

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God’s Vacation

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / July 7, 2006 /

God is tired, worn out. So he speaks to St. Peter, "You know, I need a vacation. Got any suggestions where I should go?" St. Peter, thinking, nods his head, then says, "How about Jupiter? It's nice and warm there this time of the year." God shakes His head before saying, "No. Too much gravity.…

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The Resurrection of Christ

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / July 7, 2006 /

One of the basic tenents of Christianity is the resurrection of Christ. It is generally believed that this refers to JESUS CHRIST being crucified on the cross and then returning back from the dead three days later. While this makes for a nice story and the foundation for a world-wide religion, it is not what…

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Antinomian Antics: Sabotaging the Matrix

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / December 12, 2005 /

Reprint of an article originally published in New Dawn Magazine #85, expanded and revised with original illustrations. An overview of the antinomian strain of gnostic Christianity, touching upon a variety of scintillating and outrageous themes!

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The Independent

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / March 18, 2004 /

“The Gnostic Friends Network is a virulent anti-Christian outpouring, headlined Jesus Says Love Your Enemies. It takes the Gnostic belief that this world was the work of the Devil and turns it into a charter for Devil-worshipping that has the shrill sensation seeking of a latter-day Aleister Crowley.” ((Stanford, Peter. “The secret world of the…

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ART? Alternatives Issue #9

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / February 1, 2000 /

Back in 1994, one man began having startling realizations about “the very foundations of [his] being.” He… discovered several texts describing gnosticism, one of the three main branches of primitive Christianity. “Somehow, these ancient Christian heretics had already discovered and written about almost every thing I had always suspected” [he later claimed]. Now, as the…

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I dont hat Jews nor Islams

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / January 3, 1999 /

“Ignorance is the only word I can find to describe you and your, “Fucked Up” religion….. You people are poisoning the minds of other human beings on the internet, just because you read some ancient Egyptian scriptures, and now you think you are some Religious Scholars or something.  Why dont you try picking up the…

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This is not about ‘cool’ or ‘Alternative Christianity’

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / April 26, 1998 /

"Your "bible" does not have the history and background of the Christian Bible.  The Bible was written over a 1600 year span, over 60 generations, plus it was written by over 40 people from all walks of life.  It was written on three continents from places ranging from forest to jail.  It was written in…

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A disgrace for all Christians

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / January 29, 1998 /

"This is the most sickening I have ever heard. Your site is a disgrace for all Christians. God is a loving God and he made the Earth cause he was lonely, and not because it is a Jail. God is not a mad Scientist and Christ swithcing Bodies before the crucifixion, you are so sick!…

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