Birth of the Demiurge

Sophia drew a veil around infinity and her veil cast a shadow outside it. From the depths of darkness arose Yaldabaoth, the blind, foolish Demiurge. Declaring himself “God”, Yaldabaoth fled the divine realms and used some of his stolen fire to build a prison planet called “Earth.” He created seven heavens like invisible cosmic cages and populated them with sinister fallen angels called “Rulers.”

"This gloomy ruler has three names: The first name is Yaldabaoth (child of the void). The second is Saklas (the fool). The third is Samael (god of the blind).

He is wicked because of the Mindlessness that is in him. For he said, 'I am God, and there is no other God besides me,' since he did not know from where his own strength had come."

”Hypostasis of the Archons.” The Other Bible. Ed. Willis Barnstone. Harper San Francisco, 1984. 79.

The Demiurge and Disorder

The Biblical creator god’s greatest flaw is his ignorance – he literally does not understand where he came from. The Demiurge’s limited awareness made him the target of many cruel jokes in the gnostic scriptures, not least of which were the insulting nicknames he was given: “This gloomy ruler has three names: “The first name…

"A veil exists between the World Above and the realms that are below; and Shadow came into being beneath the veil; and that Shadow became Matter; and that Shadow was projected apart. And what she [Sophia] had created became a product in the Matter, like an aborted fetus."

”Hypostasis of the Archons.” The Other Bible. Ed. Willis Barnstone. Harper San Francisco, 1984. 79.

The Creation of Chaos

At the beginning of time, Sophia (the world soul) broke away from Christ (the world spirit) and gave birth to Yaldabaoth, the arrogant creator-god of the Old Testament. The exact process by which this cosmic fiasco occurred was the subject of much debate among the gnostics; in perhaps the oldest version of the story, Sophia’s…

"When Sophia saw what her desire had produced, it changed into the figure of a snake with the face of a lion...She threw it that none of the Immortals would see it. For she had produced it ignorantly."

“The Secret Book of John.” The Secret Teachings of Jesus. Trans. Marvin W. Meyer. Vintage, 1984. 64.

Birth of the Demiurge

As Sophia looked down into the swirling void, a monstrous creature swam forth from the darkness – an insane fallen angel called “the Demiurge”: “…a Ruler first appeared out of the waters… having a great authority within himself, but not knowing whence he came into being.”  ((”On the Origin of the World.” The Other Bible.…

"Opening his eyes he saw a vast quantity of Matter without limit; and he became arrogant, saying, "It is I who am God, and there is none other apart from me!"

When he said this, he sinned against the Entirety. And a voice came forth from above the realm of absolute power saying, "You are mistaken, Samael.""

And he said, "If any other thing exists before me, let it become visible to me!" And immediately Sophia stretched forth her finger and introduced Light into Matter; and she pursued it down to the region of Chaos. And she returned up to her light; once again Darkness returned to Matter."

”Hypostasis of the Archons.” The Other Bible. Ed. Willis Barnstone. Harper San Francisco, 1984. 79.

Blasphemy of Samael

The Demiurge looked at his surroundings, realized that he was alone, and declared himself “god”; Sophia acted quickly to punish this cosmic usurper, blinding and banishing him in one fell swoop: “Opening his eyes he saw a vast quantity of Matter without limit; and he became arrogant, saying, “It is I who am God, and…

"And when Sophia left behind a part of light, the Arrogant One laid hold of it... Now when the Arrogant One had taken a part of the light, he sowed it. And he placed powers over it and Authorities. And he enclosed it in the aeons which are dead."

"Letter of Peter to Philip." The Nag Hammadi Library. Ed. James Robinson. HarperCollins, 1978. 435.

This Footstool Earth

Cast down from the worlds of light, Yaldabaoth carved a new home for himself out of the  darkness: “When the Ruler saw his greatness, he saw only himself; he did not see another one except water and darkness. Then he thought that he alone existed. His thought was made complete by means of the word,…

"Yaldabaoth is the first ruler, who took great power from his Mother. Then he left her and moved away from the realms where he was born. He was strong, and created for himself other realms by means of a bright flame of fire that still exists. He mated with the Mindlessness that is in him, and produced his own Authorities..."

“The Secret Book of John.” The Secret Teachings of Jesus. Trans. Marvin W. Meyer. Vintage, 1984. 65.

Origin of the Seven Archons

Fleeing Sophia’s presence, Yaldabaoth/Yahweh used the divine energy he had stolen from her to create offspring of his own: “Yaldabaoth is the first ruler, who took great power from his Mother. Then he left her and moved away from the realms where he was born. He was strong, and created for himself other realms by…

" that very process of reasoning on which they depend for teaching that there is a certain Pleroma or God above the Creator of heaven and earth, any one who chooses to employ it may maintain that there is another Pleroma above the Pleroma, above that again another...and thus, their doctrine flowing out into immensity.... after worlds without limits, and gods that cannot be numbered.

...Basilides himself will, according to his own principles, find it necessary to maintain not only that there are three hundred and sixty-five heavens made in succession by one another, but that an immense and innumerable multitude of heavens have always been in the process of being made, and are being made, and will continue to be made, so that the formation of heavens of this kind can never cease...the operation must go on ad infinitum..."

Irenaeus. Against Heresies : Book II. <a href=""></a>

Many Heavens of the Hebdomad

In the gnostic view, Yaldabaoth built the universe as a sort of cosmic penal colony where “dimensions, times, and seasons” were created in order to keep humans “blinded” and “bound” to the cycle of reincarnation. ((“The Secret Book of John.” The Secret Teachings of Jesus. Trans. Marvin W. Meyer. Vintage, 1984. 64.)) As a soul…