eating from the tree

Regions of the Brain

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / October 30, 2014 /

Magic mushrooms may give users trippy experiences by creating a hyperconnected brain. The active ingredient in the psychedelic drug, psilocybin, seems to completely disrupt the normal communication networks in the brain, by connecting “brain regions that don’t normally talk together,” said study co-author Paul Expert, a physicist at King’s College London. The research, which was…

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Parallel Universe Atoms

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / October 27, 2014 /

Each and every atom in your brain and body is connected to each and every atom everywhere. Indeed the most profound connection is between the atom and its sisters or brothers in the local parallel universes that immediately surround it. Those universes make up its electron wave cloud. As long as no attempt is made…

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By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / October 19, 2014 /

When that happens, the final stage of “identification and transference” begins. The cultist sees he has been duped. The person who has accomplished this revelation is the deprogrammer. They two are on the same side. The cultist identifies with the deprogrammer. Together they become opponents of the cult. According to Dr. John G. Clark, Jr….…

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Jung on the Gnostic Adam

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / June 23, 2006 /

The figure of Adam is a highly important symbolic figure in Gnostic and Hermetic writings, and C.G. Jung wrote extensively about it. He represents primordial man,” the “original being, ‘ the “man of Earth,” the condition of primal innocence and unity with all life as described in the Bible’s account of the Garden of Eden.…

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Eating from the Tree

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / September 4, 2000 /

Adam ate from the Tree of Knowledge and absorbed some of Eve’s divine force. The surge of living, intelligent energy in his nervous system triggered a spontaneous kundalini arousal, opening a direct channel between his reproductive organs and his brain and blowing his third eye open. Suddenly able to see into non-ordinary reality, Adam could…

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