The Confessional

Three men are outside the priest's confessional area talking about their sins while waiting for the priest to finish. One admits to beating his wife up; the second admits to gambling his wages away and the third admits to committing adultery with a woman from the parish.

The adulterer goes into the box and admits to his sin but refuse to name who he had committed adultery with. The priest asks him "Was it Mrs Richards?" "No father," came the reply "and I cannot tell you who it was?" "Was it Mrs Brown?" "No father." The priest then told the man that he was going to get one more chance to confess properly and if not he would be excommunicated for two weeks. "Was it Mrs Maclanahan?" asked the priest. "No father." "That's it," said the priest. "You're excommunicated for two weeks."

The man left the cubicle with a big smile on his face. "How did it go?" asked the other two. "Great," he said. "I got two weeks off and three good leads!"

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