
The Black Hole Universe

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / October 17, 2014 /

Such considerations have led to the speculation that our universe is a black hole within a larger universe. It is true that a closed universe has no boundary, while a black hole has an event horizon, but this is not a good argument against the idea… If one is going to assume that our universe is…

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Black Holes and Swarm Behavior

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / October 17, 2014 /

Even though there is not yet any incontrovertible proof that black holes exist, most astronomers have become convinced that they must be forming in great numbers right now. If they are, then… some of them may have gobbled up entire galaxies by then.  ((Morris, Richard. The Fate of the Universe. Camden House, 1982. 134))

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Black Holes and Spacetime Distortion

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / October 17, 2014 /

General relativity theory under the maximum stress of matter’s distortion of space and time predicts the existence of a new beast in the world – a black hole, the most distorting region of spacetime anywhere, anytime.  ((Wolf, Frederick Alan. Parallel Universe: The Search for Other Worlds.  Simon & Schuster, 1988. 110.))

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Mad Science of the Multiverse

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / December 3, 2007 /

The”anthropic principle” is a hybrid idea – part scientific hypothesis and part philosophical argument – which seeks to account for our presence in a life-sustaining universe using inference and probability.

It asks the questions: why does our universe seem fine-tuned for human life? Did an Intelligent Designer plan this universe just for us, or is it simply one of many universes in a larger multiverse, the random byproduct of an endless process of creation with no beginning and no end?

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Birth of the Demiurge

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / July 3, 1999 /

As Sophia looked down into the swirling void, a monstrous creature swam forth from the darkness – an insane fallen angel called “the Demiurge”: “…a Ruler first appeared out of the waters… having a great authority within himself, but not knowing whence he came into being.”  ((”On the Origin of the World.” The Other Bible.…

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