
Synchronicity & Nonsense

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / December 7, 2014 /

Obviously the rationalistic approach to reality is one-sided: the principles of time, space and causality should be supplemented by the principle of synchronicity. And this means that both the absurd world of the unconscious within and the absurd nonsense of the world outside is pervaded by a mysterious and awe-inspiring Sense. Old-fashioned people would call…

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The Insanity Virus

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / November 24, 2014 /

…after decades of hunting, Torrey and his colleagues think they have finally found the infectious agent. You might call it an insanity virus. If Torrey is right, the culprit that triggers a lifetime of hallucinations… is a virus that all of us carry in our bodies. “Some people laugh about the infection hypothesis,” says Urs Meyer,…

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That gut feeling

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / November 24, 2014 /

If aliens were to swoop in from outer space and squeeze a human down to see what we’re made of, they would come to the conclusion that cell for cell, we’re mostly bacteria. In fact, single-celled organisms—mostly bacteria—outnumber our own cells 10 to one, and most of them make their home in the gut. The…

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Mental Probing

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / October 18, 2014 /

Perhaps the visions that we see are mere epi-phenomena, no more than our unconscious selves and our present culture desperately seeking a way to comprehend these alien intruders within our minds – psychic invaders from across the universe. If so, then are they probing for information, extracting data from us or taking genetic codes [?]…

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Theme Song

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / January 26, 2004 /

As sung in our secret underground crime-fighting lab On account of the reality of the Rulers, inspired by the Spirit of the Father of Truth, the great apostle (referring to the “Rulers of the Darkness”) told us that “our contest is not against flesh and blood, rather, the Rulers of the universe and the spirits of…

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Yaldabaoths Vision

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / August 3, 2000 /

When Yaldabaoth realized that his creation was threatened by Immortal Man, he began to preen and bluster shamelessly: “… when he actually knew that an enlightened, immortal man existed before him, [Yaldabaoth] was very much disturbed…. …Like a fool [he] acted recklessly, and said, “If someone exists before me, let him appear so that we…

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