
Infinite Monkey Theorem

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / November 22, 2014 /

The Infinite Monkey Theorem states that a monkey pressing keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a particular finite text, such as the Bible… Consider a single biblical phrase, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” How long would it take a…

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Deconstruction and the Bible

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / November 22, 2014 /

To deconstruct is to take apart something that had previously been constructed by somebody for some purpose…. It is thereby dismantled… to expose the hidden forces that produced it and make it work… Why “deconstruct” the Bible? The motivation is… an intellectual curiosity, an attempt to come to an understanding of how things work by…

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The Macaque Test of Infinite Monkey Theorem

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / November 21, 2014 /

In 2003 the Arts Council for England paid £2,000 for a real-life test… involving… macaques, but the trial was abandoned… The monkeys produced five pages of text… but failed to type anything close to… English, broke the computer and used the keyboard as a lavatory. ((

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The Stoned Ape Theory of Language

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / November 20, 2014 /

As some Homo Sapiens left the forests for the plains… the species [began] finding magic mushrooms in poop and adding them to the diet… Language development saw immense growth during this period… This is where our minds were opened up to the abstract concepts which eventually led humanity to become the dominant force in the animal kingdom. Our…

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Monkey God

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / November 20, 2014 /

… Monkey God [is a program that lets you] … generate your own universes… From Monkey God you can see how fine-tuned our universe really is and if there are other possible universes that could still give rise to carbon-based life as we know it. This program was invented by the physicist Victor Stenger and…

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The Tower of Bible

The Tower of Bible

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / October 5, 2001 /

Gnostic retellings of Genesis typically wrestle with “problem” passages which seem to anthropomorphize God or assign limits to his omniscience and omnipotence. Perhaps this is why the ancient gnostics made scarcely any attempt (with one isolated exception) to retell the “Tower of Babel” story; the canonical account itself describes the Demiurge’s violent petulance with such…

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