Like all fools you will perish in your sin

"Why is it that people will believe anything but what the Bible has to say. This Yaldabaoth is the product of the false cult gnostics, A religious order…

The sons of God spoken [of in] Scripture actually refers to angels which had taken the form of men that they could take the daughters of men and the product of this unholy union was a race of people who were giants. This race of people has been proven to have existed, a british geologist and head of the british museum actually uncovered the ruins of a pre flood city with all the signs of having been inhabited by a race of giants, from high door frames to large beds. These people were also highly developed havinga postal system similar to ours and libarary systems, etc…

Jesus had no brothers. He created these beings, as He did all others…

A fool is a mocker, and you mock anything you don’t understand. And like all fools you will perish in your sin mocking something that you have no knowledge of."

– Roy Litser

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