Shadow Projection and the Collective Unconscious

Found : Shadow Projection and the Collective Unconscious

To the extent that we are entranced by our shadow projections as existing outside of ourselves, we are moment to moment hypnotizing or casting a spell on ourselves. Commenting on people who insist on projecting their shadow outside of themselves and refuse to self-reflect, Jung said, “Since reflection is so troublesome and difficult, they prefer to judge without restraint, not realizing that they are merely projecting and making themselves the victims of a stupid illusion.” When we shadow project, we are deceiving ourselves, which is to say that deep down, in the core of our being, we are lying to ourselves and becoming “victims of a (self-created) stupid illusion.”

Splitting off from our own darkness and projecting it outside of ourselves, to quote Jung, “…creates a dangerous situation in that the disturbing effects are now attributed to a wicked will outside ourselves, which is naturally not to be found anywhere but with our neighbor…

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