Perspectives on the structure of the superverse and implications for its transit

Found : Perspectives on the structure of the superverse and implications for its transit and other means of exploitation

In early 2003 space appears to possibly be infinite in its depth and distance, even if mankind can only ‘see’ with his instruments out to as many lightyears as has been possible for light to travel in our direction since our local Big Bang. Infinite space looks to lie beyond the visible horizon.

Within the infinite distances of the infinite space over the horizon, parallel versions of ourselves look likely to live and toil on parallel versions of Earth. There may be only the tiniest of differences in chronologies or other characteristics of these parallel worlds to our own. Or there may be enormous differences. And everything in-between. Every possible different version of your own existence and life likely is transpiring somewhere among those worlds.

“In infinite space, even the most unlikely events must take place somewhere” — Max Tegmark

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