Holographic Plenum

“[T]he mind and the body are embedded in the dream and the dream is a higher-order spatial dimension. In sleep, one is released into the real world, of which the world of waking is only the surface in a very literal geometric sense. There is a… holographic plenum of information… outside of time in a kind of eternity… that does not have a temporal existence about which one may say, “It always existed.” It does not have temporal duration of any sort. It is eternity. We are not primarily biological, with mind emerging as a kind of iridescence, a kind of epiphenomenon at the higher levels of organization of biology. We are hyperspatial objects of some sort that cast a shadow into matter. The shadow in matter is our physical organism.”1

  1. McKenna, Terence. “New Maps of Hyperspace.” 1989. http://www.erowid.org/culture/characters/mckenna_terence/mckenna_terence_maps_hyperspace.shtml []
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