Heinsenberg’s Uncertainty Principle & the MWI

“When an electron is discovered in any universe by an observing piece of equipment or an atomic scientist, the overlapping universes split apart. Then that equipment or scientist enters into all the parallel universes, each sister piece or scientist’s brain recording a different measurement for the electron’s location. All of these measurements are consistent with the distribution predicted by the quantum wave function, which indicates how probable the electron is to be found at any one point in the atom.

The fact that the scientist’s brain has been split by the atom is usually not noticed. The whole ensemble of parallel brains occupies the same space in just one universe, and the split is virtually unnoticed. The rest of the universe simply doesn’t care to note that this particular scientist has made that particular discovery. As far as the world is concerned, the entity they call “the scientist” or “the equipment” is just one entity, even though this entity has been split into an infinite number of parallel entities.((Frederick Alan Wolf, Parallel Universes: The Search for Other Worlds, p. 297, pub. 1988))

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