Eve as Guide and Savior Figure in Gnostic reinterpretations of the Eden Myth

Found : Eve as Guide and Savior Figure in Gnostic reinterpretations of the Eden Myth

Because of its intensive and complex layers an explication of Gnostic mythology often requires that one select a particular aspect of the system rather than attempt to address its entirety. This study, then, will focus on a selected, central theme in Gnostic mythology – the Creation – and one pivotal figure within this re-told story of human origins – Eve.

It has been claimed, and I agree, that "the wild profusion of gnostic myths can be traced to a single scriptural source: Genesis 1-3."[5] Stories of Adam and Eve fascinated Gnostic Christians, probably as a result of the myriad allegorical interpretations apparent in this pivotal and foundational myth. Such myths of origin explain more completely than any other mythological elements why creation is in its current, and in Gnosticism, dreadfully fallen and evil, state.

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