Creation Ex Nihilo or from Wheeler's 'Pregeometry'?

Found : Creation Ex Nihilo or from Wheeler’s ‘Pregeometry’?

In a 1975 article entitled Is Physics Legislated by Cosmogony? J. A. Wheeler and C. M. Patton use the term "pregeometry" to refer to "…something deeper than geometry, that underlies both geometry and particles." And they suggest that "For ultimately revealing this structure, no perspective seems more promising than the view that it must provide the Universe with a way to come into being."

Most modern cosmologists… seem to assume that in the absence of particles and fields, and in the absence of space and time, there would be nothing. But if we go with so rash an assumption we are left without a pregeometry which could 'provide the Universe with a way to come into being'. We are back to creation ex nihilo. If, on the other hand, we take a more cautious approach and assume only that in the absence of time there might be the changeless and that in the absence of space there might be the infinite, the undivided, then we are left with the possibility of a pregeometry…

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