
Hierarchies of Dominance

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / October 26, 2014 /

On land, female apes always had known who the alpha males were, and those males enforced their sexual rights with physical punishment or its threat… Aquatic life disabled dominance. Wannabe alphas couldn’t move fast enough in water to bully others, the dominance hierarchy vanished, and each female had to decide for herself what made a…

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Escape From Predators

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / October 26, 2014 /

Perhaps it was not only a shortage of food that sent man to the water in the first place, but also a means of escaping from powerful predators: possibly Homo aquaticus was only able to survive and evolve with the help of a number of small sandy or rocky islands stretching up the tropical coasts…

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Science explains what draws humans to the sea

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / October 26, 2014 /

Our ancient ancestors came out of the water and evolved from swimming to crawling to walking. Human fetuses still have “gill-slit” structures in their early stages of development, and we spend our first nine months of life immersed in the “watery” environment of our mother’s womb. When we’re born, our bodies are approximately 78 percent…

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Aquatic Ape Hypothesis

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / October 23, 2014 /

The Aquatic Ape Theory states that approximately 6-7 million years ago, our ape ancestors were trapped in a semi-aquatic environment. This forced them to search for food in the water and become very comfortable in the water; over time altering their bodies to be more effective in the water. The theory says that a founder…

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Naughty Norea

By Rev Illuminatus Maximus / October 3, 2001 /

It was not Noah who was the hero of the flood story, but Eve’s daughter Norea – a fiery, rebellious young woman who sabotaged Noah’s ark, rejected Yaldabaoth’s lecherous advances and finally escaped on the wings of an angel. Yaldabaoth, the story goes, was so disturbed when he realized that mankind had begun to “multiply…

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